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研究方向:1. 动力电池性能衰减与安全 2. 新型燃料燃烧与排放机理





2002-2004年山东省农业科学院聘 研究实习员;


2012.12-2013.03武汉理工大学汽车工程学院 讲师;

2013.04-至今 武汉理工大学汽车工程学院 副教授



1.      hong-en wang, kaili yin, ning qin, xu zhao, fan-jie xia, zhi-yi hu, guanlun guo*,guozhong cao*, wenjun zhang*, oxygen-deficient titanium dioxide as a functional host for lithium-sulfur batteries, journal of materials chemistry a, 2019, accepted. (中科院a区,sci if: 9.931)

2.      wei, mingrui; zhang, tingting; chen, xian-feng; guo, guanlun*; zhang, dongju*. formation of bicyclic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) from the reaction of phenyl radical with cis-3-penten-1-yne. rsc advance 2018, 8:13226-13236  (esi jcr q1区,sci if: 3.108)

3.    wei mingrui, li song, liu jinping, guo guanlun*, effects of ethanol addition on soot particles dynamic evolution in ethylene/air laminar premixed flame. thermal science 2018, 22:1339-1350 (sci if: 1.093)

4.      mingruiwei. songli. helinxiao. guanlunguo*, combustion performance and pollutant emissions analysis using diesel/gasoline/iso-butanol blends in a diesel engine. energy conversion and management , 2017, 149: 381-391. (中科院a区,sci if: 5.589)

5.      mingrui wei, sheng wu, fan li, dongju zhang, tingting zhang & guanlun guo*, molecular modelling investigations on the possibility of phenanthrene dimers to be the primary nuclei of soot.combustion theory and modelling 2017, 21(6): 1189-1198. (sci if: 1.855)

6.    mingrui wei. haizhao li. guanlun guo*. yihui liu*. dongju zhang. effects of pdo modification on the performance of la0.6sr0.4co0.2fe0.8o3−δ cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells: a first principle study. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2017, 43:23180-23188. (jcr q1区,sci if: 3.582)

7.    mingrui wei, tingting zhang, shunxi li, guanlun guo*, dongju zhang. naphthalene formation pathways from phenyl radical via vinyl radical (c2h3) and vinylacetylene (c4h4): computational studies on reaction mechanisms and kinetics.canadian journal of chemistry, 2017, 95(8): 816-823. (sci if: 1.080)

8.      yunxia wu, guanlun guo, judun zheng, xing da, tao zhang, fluorogenic “photoclick” labeling and imaging of dna with coumarin-fused tetrazole in vivo, acs sensors, 2019,4(1):44-51(中科院 a区,sci if5.711.

9.      li xuecheng; guo guanlun; qin ning; deng zhao; lu zhouguang; shen dong; zhao xu; li yu; su bao-lian; wang hong-en; sns2/tio2 nanohybrids chemically bonded on nitrogen-doped graphene for lithium-sulfur batteries: synergy of vacancy defects and heterostructure. nanoscale2018, 10(33):15505-15512 (中科院 a区,sci if7.233)

10.      guanbin gao, mingxi zhang, pei lu, guanlun guo, dong wang, taolei sun*. chirality-assisted ring-like aggregation of a beta(1-40) at liquid-solid interfaces: a  stereoselective two-step assembly process., angewandte chemie international edition, 2015, 54(7):2245-2250. (中科院a区,sci if11.994)

11.      dongju zhang*, guanlun guo, chengbu liu. new route for stabilizing silicon fullerenes. j. phys. chem. b. 2006, 110 (30): 14619-14622. (jcr q1区,sci if: 3.177 导师一作)

12.      dongju zhang*, guanlun guo, chenbu liu, r. q. zhang. density functional theory study of geometrical structures and electronic properties of silica nanowires. j. phys. chem. b. (letter) 2006, 110(47): 23633-23636. (jcr q1区,sci if: 3.177 导师一作)

    13.   吴胜,魏明锐,张亦丰,郭冠伦*,火焰中脂肪链结构生成的反应分子动力学模拟,内燃机学报,2019,37:48-53

14.    张婷婷,魏明锐,郭冠伦*,基于过渡态理论的碳烟成核过程中萘生长路径, 内燃机学报,2018,37:455-462

15.    郭冠伦,欧阳康,刘毅辉,魏明锐,制备超级电容器氧化石墨烯的mpcvd方法,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2018,46:128-132

16.     李松,魏明锐,郭冠伦*,肖合林,孙智勇,喷油时刻和dmf掺混对柴油机pm排放特性影响,内燃机学报,2018,3620-26




